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» Health
Dr. Anthony Fauci: The U.S. will likely not return to life resembling “real normality” until 2021
Nickie Louise
June 14, 2020
Parts of Beijing on lockdown after major new COVID-19 outbreak; fear of second wave after new confirmed cases appear for the first time in more than 50 days
Nickie Louise
June 13, 2020
#ExposeBillGates is now trending on Twitter after Bill Gates said we need 14 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine to stop coronavirus (over 125,000 tweets so far)
Nickie Louise
June 13, 2020
Mainstream media is back with fearmongering about second wave of coronavirus despite new data showing decline in number of hospitalizations
Nickie Louise
June 13, 2020
Melinda Gates: Coronavirus vaccine should be given to black people first, right after health care workers
Nickie Louise
June 12, 2020
U.S. may reimplement strict social distancing measures if coronavirus cases rise “dramatically,” CDC says
Nickie Louise
June 12, 2020
Second wave of coronavirus could be prevented by wearing masks, British researchers say
Nickie Louise
June 10, 2020
Coronvirus ‘nightmare’ pandemic isn’t close to over, Anthony Fauci warned in his latest gloom and doom forecast
Nickie Louise
June 9, 2020
WHO now says coronavirus patients without symptoms aren’t driving the spread of coronavirus
Nickie Louise
June 8, 2020
Norwegian scientist Birger Sorensen claims coronavirus was lab-made and ‘not natural in origin’
Nickie Louise
June 7, 2020
Over 1,000 health professionals sign a letter saying they do not condemn the ongoing protests against racism as risky for COVID-19 transmission
Nickie Louise
June 5, 2020
Social distancing versus social justice: After weeks of warnings, public health experts are now urging Americans to get out of their homes and join the mass protests against racism
Nickie Louise
June 5, 2020
United States has 2 million coronavirus vaccine doses ‘ready to go,’ U.S. President Trump says
Nickie Louise
June 5, 2020
Lancet retracts bogus hydroxychloroquine study that raised concerns about the malaria drug
Nickie Louise
June 4, 2020
Hydroxychloroquine does NOT help in preventing coronavirus infections but causes NO harm. New randomized study from England Journal of Medicine shows the malaria drug FAILED to prevent COVID-19 and is no better than placebo pills
Nickie Louise
June 4, 2020
Lancet backs off study trashing hydroxychloroquine and issues ‘expression of concern’ after the journal was caught using falsified data
Nickie Louise
June 3, 2020
Tech startups are racing to develop unethical ‘immunity passports’ for COVID-19. Experts warn of privacy issues and high risk of discrimination
Nickie Louise
June 3, 2020
Schools reopening in 22 European countries has NOT triggered rise in coronavirus cases, EU ministers told
Nickie Louise
June 3, 2020
Disgraced Imperial College Prof. Neil Ferguson whose flawed model was used to justify lockdowns, now admits Sweden may have suppressed coronavirus to the same level without draconian measures
Nickie Louise
June 2, 2020
‘Wearing mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from coronavirus infection,’ New England Journal of Medicine study shows
Nickie Louise
June 1, 2020
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