#ExposeBillGates is now trending on Twitter after Bill Gates said we need 14 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine to stop coronavirus (over 125,000 tweets so far)

It’s the weekend, the time when you expect everyone to be spending time with their family and loved ones. Instead, thousands of people are talking about exposing Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates on Twitter. #ExposeBillGates hashtag is now trending with over 125,000 tweets. So, what’s the fuzz all about, anyway?
It turns out many people are talking about Bill Gates being part of a huge conspiracy to stop people from getting preventable diseases. Some even went as far as calling it the “the biggest scandal since Andrew Carnegie built libraries.” One Twitter user said that Bill Gates already owns and controls the WHO, Fauci, Birx, the CDC and the UK government & SAGE. With no concrete evidence to support these claims, Microsoft co-founder turned philanthropist, has now become the star of an explosion of conspiracy theories about the coronavirus outbreak.
In a piece published on April 17, NY Times said: “he is being falsely portrayed as the creator of Covid-19, as a profiteer from a virus vaccine, and as part of a dastardly plot to use the illness to cull or surveil the global population.”
A couple of days ago, Bill Gates says the world would need as many as 14 billion doses of a coronavirus vaccine to stop the virus. “In order to stop the pandemic, we need to make the vaccine available to almost every person on the planet. We’ve never delivered something to every corner of the world before. And, as I mentioned earlier, vaccines are particularly difficult to make and store,” Gates wrote.
So, what’s exactly the truth? It all started back in a 2005 speech Bill Gates gave on vaccine. In that speech, Gates warned that “the greatest risk to humanity was not nuclear war but an infectious virus that could threaten the lives of millions of people.”
That speech, which later resurfaced in recent weeks, has been viewed more than 25 million on YouTube. However, the speech is getting the attention not in the way that Mr. Gates probably intended. Anti-vaccine opponents have instead seized on the video as evidence that one of the world’s richest men planned to use a pandemic to wrest control of the global health system.
You can watch Gates’ speech from the video below.
Below is what another user said about Gates.
Megalomaniac charlatan and fraudster Bill Gates wants to control and enslave the human race with vaccines and electronic ID implants. He’s already owns and controls the WHO, Fauci, Birx, the CDC and the UK government & SAGE.
Gates is not only accused of working with big pharma and WHO, another Twitter user accused the world’s second richest person of owning 500,000 shares with Monsanto and also being an advocate for micro chipping.