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» HealthTech
Kristian Andersen, the virologist who told Dr. Fauci that COVID-19 “potentially look engineered,” just deleted his Twitter account
Nickie Louise
June 6, 2021
Poll: Majority of Americans now believe COVID came from China’s Wuhan Lab; 25% believe it was “Released on Purpose”
Nickie Louise
June 4, 2021
Dr. Fauci on January 10, 2017: “There Will be a Surprise Outbreak.”
Nickie Louise
June 2, 2021
Fauci Emails: Researcher who funded Wuhan Lab, admits manipulating coronaviruses, thanked Fauci for dismissing lab-leak theory
Nickie Louise
June 2, 2021
Dr. Fauci Said Masks ‘Not Really Effective in Keeping Out Virus,’ Email Reveals
Nickie Louise
June 2, 2021
A new study conducted by European scientists found that COVID-19 ‘has no credible natural ancestor’ and was created in Wuhan Lab by Chinese scientists
Nickie Louise
May 29, 2021
Dr. Fauci argued in 2012 paper that the benefit of Gain-Of-Function research into bat virus “was worth the risk of a pandemic”
Nickie Louise
May 28, 2021
Samsung and Bayer invest $90M in Berlin-based digital health tech startup Ada Health to become the Alexa of healthcare
Nickie Louise
May 27, 2021
Fact-checkers are now scrambling to salvage their reputations after repeatedly dismissing the Wuhan lab leak as a ‘debunked conspiracy theory’
Nickie Louise
May 25, 2021
Wuhan Lab announced for the first time a family tree of bat coronaviruses that may be the ‘tip of the iceberg’
Nickie Louise
May 25, 2021
Noom raises $540M in Series F funding to help people achieve their health and wellness goals
Nickie Louise
May 25, 2021
Israeli HealthTech startup Lydus Medical scores $2.7M in funding to revolutionize surgical anastomosis with automated microsurgery
Nickie Louise
May 24, 2021
Dr. Fauci finally admits COVID-19 may have come from Wuhan Lab: No longer ‘convinced’ coronavirus came from natural origin; now calling for investigation
Nickie Louise
May 23, 2021
Vaccinated Americans will now need a COVID-19 booster shot “somewhere between [every] six and 12 months,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla says
Nickie Louise
May 20, 2021
Watch: Chinese Researcher Chen Ping declares that China defeated the U.S. in the 2020 “Biological War” and put America ‘back in its place’
Nickie Louise
May 19, 2021
Sweden reported more than 30,000 cases of side effects from covid-19 vaccines
Nickie Louise
May 18, 2021
“Vaxxed or Masked,” Biden says
Nickie Louise
May 15, 2021
Americans are now segregated along “vaccine identity” lines: “The rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. The choice is yours,” Biden says
Nickie Louise
May 13, 2021
Gain-of-Function: Dr. Fauci backed the risky “gain-of-function” and coronavirus research on bats at Wuhan Labs with taxpayers dollars, Newsweek reported
Nickie Louise
May 11, 2021
CDC now says reports in its VAERS system are unverified after thousands of reported COVID-19 vaccine-related side effects and deaths
Nickie Louise
May 7, 2021
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