Watch: Chinese Researcher Chen Ping declares that China defeated the U.S. in the 2020 “Biological War” and put America ‘back in its place’

In September 2020, Chinese Virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan claimed that the Chinese Communist Party intentionally created and unleashed COVID19 upon the world as part of biological warfare. However, her claim was quickly dismissed as misinformation and a conspiracy theory.
Dr. Li-Meng was later suspended from Twitter and she was never heard of again. Dr. Yan was one of the first scientists in the world to study the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China back in December 2019 before the rest of the world even knew the virus existed.
Fast forward eight months later. Professor Chen Ping, a Chinese professor with close ties to the Communist Chinese Government declared in a video posted on Twitter that his country has ‘defeated’ the U.S. in 2020, winning a biological war, and putting America “back in its place.”
Chen Ping is also a Senior Researcher at The China Institute of Fudan University, a CCP affiliated think tank, and a professor at Peking University. You can read more about his bio here. The video, which appeared online recently, was translated by New York-based Chinese blogger Jennifer Zeng.
Admitted! Chen Ping, Senior Researcher at #FudanUniversity, professor at #PekingUniversity, says the #CCP won the trade war, science & technology war, and especially the biological war in 2020. "The achievement is unprecedented. This is an epoch-making historical record."
— Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng (@jenniferzeng97) May 18, 2021
In the short video clip, Professor Ping said:
“In 2020, China won the trade war, science & technology war, and especially the biological war. The achievement is unprecedented. This is an epoch-making historical record. So for the liberal, America-worshiping cult within China, their worship of the US is actually unfounded. After this trade war and biological warfare, the US was beaten back to its original shape.
Ping continued:
“ So I think Trump’s attempt to restore the declining international status of the US during his 4 years has failed. This failure is not only the failure of Trump’s personal campaign for re-election as president, but also the failure of the neo-liberalism-led globalization of the past four decades led by the US and the UK. Therefore, the development & modernization model of the US and Europe is not worthy of China’s imitation and repetition.”
You can watch the video below.
Below is the original Chinese texts from Zeng’s website.
中共 復旦大學中国研究院高级研究员、北大教授陳平近日在視頻中說 中國2020年打贏了貿易戰和生物戰,取得了前所未有的成就,是劃時代的歷史紀錄。美國被貿易戰和生物戰打回了原形。西方模式不值得中國彷效重複。