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» Research
Countries using hydroxychloroquine have far fewer COVID-19 deaths than countries that don’t, study from Association of American Physicians and Surgeons shows
Nickie Louise
August 5, 2020
Scientists associated with Harvard Medical School just released a DIY coronavirus vaccine to the general public; they have been testing the vaccine on themselves. The vaccine requires no injection and needles
Nickie Louise
August 4, 2020
The truth about Hydroxychloroquine, according to frontline doctors. And why hydroxychloroquine controversy may never go away
Nickie Louise
July 30, 2020
Hydroxychloroquine is not effective when given late in mild-to-moderate COVID-19 patients, a new Brazilian study published in New England Journal of Medicine shows
Nickie Louise
July 28, 2020
Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine begins final-stage testing; vaccine could be ready for use by the end of 2020
Nickie Louise
July 27, 2020
Dr. Fauci says he is “not particularly concerned” about the safety risk of Moderna coronavirus vaccine
Nickie Louise
July 27, 2020
Wearing masks for long periods could be detrimental to your health, Germany researchers found
Nickie Louise
July 25, 2020
Countries using hydroxychloroquine have low coronavirus fatality rate compared to countries that don’t, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons says
Nickie Louise
July 23, 2020
Full lockdowns and widespread testing were NOT associated with reduced COVID-19 mortality, the Lancet study shows
Nickie Louise
July 22, 2020
We won’t be able to eradicate coronavirus, Dr. Fauci said in another ominous warning
Nickie Louise
July 22, 2020
U.S. government reached a deal with Pfizer and German biotech firm BioNTech to buy 100 million doses of coronavirus vaccine for $2 billion
Nickie Louise
July 22, 2020
This FDA-approved, century-old blood thinner drug Heparin, is found to neutralize and destroy COVID-19, study published in Antiviral Research shows
Nickie Louise
July 21, 2020
Scientists discovered some coronavirus patients recovered from COVID-19 infection, but mysteriously did NOT have any antibodies against the virus. T-cell immunity may be the key
Nickie Louise
July 21, 2020
Oxford University COVID-19 vaccine shows positive results in first phase of human trials; safe and produced an immune response
Nickie Louise
July 20, 2020
Masks Made in China now come with WARNING LABELS clearly stating they DO NOT protect against coronavirus; ‘could cause cancer, birth defects and other reproductive harm’
Nickie Louise
July 19, 2020
COVID-19 Breakthrough: British scientists identify six different types of coronavirus with “clusters” of symptoms and increasing severity levels
Nickie Louise
July 19, 2020
Dr. Fauci holds up New York, the state with 23% of all US deaths, as a model for fighting coronavirus — ‘They did it correctly’
Nickie Louise
July 18, 2020
Bad news for Moderna: New evidence shows COVID-19 ‘antibodies declined significantly within months of infection.’ Scientists question lasting immunity from virus vaccine
Nickie Louise
July 16, 2020
The truth about wearing masks: What does science really say about the effectiveness of face masks?
Nickie Louise
July 16, 2020
Dr. Fauci warns coronavirus could be as bad as 1918 flu pandemic, even as unearthed report shows he backed the controversial “Gain-of-function” research in Wuhan Lab
Nickie Louise
July 15, 2020
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