Is the US looking to start World War 3? Russia warns it will retaliate if the US and its NATO allies don’t stop the preparation for an invasion

The drums of war are beating in Ukraine louder than ever, and the United States is probably responsible for the escalation. Even when Ukraine President said that Russia poses no threat to his country, Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said on Monday that the US has put around 8,500 troops on “high alert” to be ready to deploy to Eastern Europe.
Now, Russia is warning the US and its NATO allies that it will retaliate if they don’t stay away from its border. On Wednesday, Russia promised to retaliate if the US and its allies do not curb preparation for an invasion and if Ukraine and other ex-Soviet nations are admitted to NATO, according to a report from Associated Press.
As world leaders continue to prepare for potential escalation, Russia said it will retaliate if its demands are not met.
Tensions of war continue to mount on Wednesday in the US and Europe even after Ukraine’s President said the US is fueling the fire of war. Russia has denied it is planning to invade despite massing an estimated 100,000 troops along the border. Here’s the latest.
Russia also warned against imposing personal sanctions on President Vladimir Putin, saying they would not hurt him but would be “politically destructive” after President Biden said on Tuesday he would consider such a move, according to another report from Reuters.
After two decades of war in Afghanistan, the United States’ war with the Taliban ended in disgrace with thousands of precious lives lost and trillions of dollars wasted. Will America never learn? Probably not.
According to another report from the New York Times, Biden is considering sending thousands of U.S. troops, warships, and aircraft to the Baltics and Eastern Europe amid rising tensions in Russia and Ukraine conflict. According to the Times, the decision would be a major shift from its restrained stance on Ukraine.
Now the question that everyone is asking is, why is a country that fails to defend its own border now trying to defend the border of Ukraine? That’s not all. Now imagine if China invades Taiwan and North Korea invades South Korea at the same time that Russia invades Ukraine. That means the United States could be fighting wars on three fronts. However, if the United States couldn’t even defeat a third-world like Afghanistan, what makes the US generals think they can defeat a nuclear-capable nation like Russia and China?
As we reported in the past, a war between the United States and Russia could potentially lead to World War III. Unlike the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, Russia has one of the most powerful military arsenals in the world, the likes that will make the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki seems like a child’s play.
A few years ago, Russia tested Avangard, a new nuclear-capable hypersonic missile that’s capable of striking anywhere on the planet and wiping out an area ‘the size of France’ in less than an hour. The Avangard is just one of the six new Russian strategic weapons unveiled by Russian President Vladimir Putin on 1 March 2018.
During a 2018 speech, President Putin said “The hypersonic intercontinental rocket was capable of traveling 20 times the speed of sound and could ‘strike like a meteorite. It’s like a fireball guided to its target.”