Over 1,200 vaccine deaths reported within the first 90 days of Pfizer vaccine rollout, according to the first batch of Pfizer’s confidential documents released by the FDA following FOIA lawsuit

On November 15, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked a federal judge to give it until the year 2076 to fully release all of the data and the documents the agency used as the basis for the approval and license of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Now we know why.
The revelation came to light in a filing as part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit by a medical transparency group. The government told the court it has 329,000 pages of documents responsive to the FOIA request and proposed releasing 500 pages per month to allow for redactions of exempt material.
During the court hearing, The Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyers representing the FDA asked a federal judge to allow them an unthinkable 55 years to process the request, saying they would only be able to release just 500 pages a month. The court denied FDA’s request. Instead, the court ordered the FDA to comply with FOIA’s request and release the information on the Pfizer vaccine.
Now, the first batch of documents is now available for the public to see. According to an official Pfizer confidential document that is titled, “Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Records Reports,” there were over 1,200 vaccine deaths within the first 90 days of the vaccine’s roll out under the FDA’s EUA – from December 1st. 2020 – February 28th, 2021.
In one instance, the report stated that four people died on the same day they were vaccinated.
“There were 4 individuals in the anaphylaxis evaluation who died on the same day they were vaccinated. Although these patients experienced adverse events (9) that are potential symptoms of anaphylaxis, they all had serious underlying medical conditions, and one individual appeared to also have COVID-19 pneumonia, that likely contributed to their death”
During the same period, there were also tens of thousands reported adverse reactions. The report shows that there were a total of 42,086 case reports of individuals who had an adverse reaction to Pfizer’s vaccine worldwide, with the largest number (13,739) coming from the United States and from the UK (13,404).
Marked “Confidential,’ below are some excerpts from the Pfizer documents:
“Reports are submitted voluntarily, and the magnitude of underreporting is unknown. Some of the factors that may influence whether an event is reported include: length of time since marketing, market share of the drug, publicity about a drug or an AE, seriousness of the reaction, regulatory actions, awareness by health professionals and consumers of adverse drug event reporting, and litigation.”
Meanwhile, there is also a pending motion in federal court filed by the same group of doctors and scientists that would force the FDA to expedite processing and releasing these documents.
You can find the rest of the Pfizer documents released after the FOIA request below. Click on the link to download.
You can view the document below access the document directly from here.
Vaccine Deaths