Meet Robot Police Officer, a traffic stop robot that writes you a speeding ticket and keeps everyone safe

Every year, 16,915,140 drivers are pulled over in traffic, 195,078 motorists have physical force used on them, 4,488 officers are assaulted, 89 of those motorists die, and 11 of those officers die. With such dangerous interactions between people, maybe it’s time to send a robot in between them, one that can’t hurt or be hurt.
With Americans facing racial tensions with police across the country, a robot police officers might be what we need. This prototype robot police officer could also be used instead of human police officers to help reduce instances of roadside violence.
Developed by American nonprofit research institute SRI International, the prototype robot acts as go-between drivers and human police officers. The robot is meant to prevent accidents that occur when the police pull over drivers.
The brain behind the robot is Rueben Brewer, a senior robotics research engineer at SRI. Brewer started building the prototype in his garage. “With such dangerous interactions between people, maybe it’s time to send a robot in between them, one that can’t hurt or be hurt,” reads the caption of the video. “Our robot goes between people to keep everyone safe,” Brewer said.
This prototype police robot could make traffic stops safer for civilians and officers via @InTheKnow
— Yahoo (@Yahoo) May 13, 2019