New York State Governor Cuomo said in a shocking leaked audio: “Government’s responses to coronavirus are NOT based on science but are based out of fear”

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo confirmed what the majority of Americans have been thinking since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic: the government initiatives including the lockdowns are based out of fear and NOT on science.
In leaked audio, Cuomo admitted that the new COVID lockdowns in New York is not based on any science or medical expertise, but rather in his words is a “fear-based response.”
The video was first posted in a published article by Hamodia. The article contains a half-hour long audio clip of a private phone conversation recently held between NY State Governor Cuomo and various Rabbonim in the community. The audio (full clip below) as well as the article are very telling. But perhaps one of the most shocking parts is where Cuomo tells Rabbi Yaakov Bender that the government initiatives are not based on science, but simply out of fear.
You can listen to the audio below.
Hamodia has exclusively obtained a recording of the full call. You can also listen to the entire video at Hamodia website. The key sections begin at 6:30: