Coronavirus fear mongering: CBS News caught after posting another video of ICU nurse crying over poor working conditions

Last month, we told you about about CBS News was caught using footage from an Italian hospital to describe conditions in New York City. CBS News later admitted to a “mistake” on Monday after airing footage of an overcrowded hospital room that was allegedly in New York City but was actually from a hospital in Italy. “It was an editing mistake. We took immediate steps to remove it from all platforms and shows,” a CBS News spokesperson said.
CBS News has done it again. On April 6, CBS posted another video of a nurse who claimed she quit her job after being asked to work in a coronavirus ICU without a face mask. “America is not prepared, and nurses are not being protected,” said the ICU nurse in the video. “I quit my job today. I went into work and I was assigned to a COVID patient on an ICU unit that has been converted to a designated COVID unit. None of the nurses are wearing masks.”
The video appears to be inaccurate. Instead of verifying the legitimacy of the video, CBS added background music and captions to highlight a woman who lied about her workplace situation. To avoid further embarrassment, CBS News posted the following on Twitter, “Imaris Vera, the nurse in this video, clarified her experience on Monday in a tweet: “We were each assigned 1 N95 per 1 covid patient’s room but was not allowed to wear it outside of the room, wear our own N95 mask around the Nurses station or Halls, which I came prepared with.”
So it turns out this video is entirely fraudulent.
— Jordan Schachtel @ (@JordanSchachtel) April 6, 2020
Imaris Vera, the nurse in this video, clarified her experience on Monday in a tweet: "We were each assigned 1 N95 per 1 covid patient’s room but was not allowed to wear it outside of the room, wear our own N95 mask around the Nurses station or Halls, which I came prepared with."
— CBS News (@CBSNews) April 6, 2020
However, before CBS posted the video online, Imaris posted on her public Facebook page that she has anxiety and bi-polar depression and had not been an employee at the hospital for over a year. She also mentioned in her post that she was unsure if she was ready to return to her job. Imaris went on to say that the growing volume of information on coronavirus “triggers” her. “The information overload can be hard for me to sift through as far as what is credible and what is not, it triggers me,” she wrote in a Facebook post.
Hi @BernieSanders your girl wrote days before her histrionic video that she had anxiety and bi-polar depression, hadn't been working in the hospital for over a year and didn't know if she was ready to return. Maybe vet these people? Just a thought.
— Rosie Memos (@almostjingo) April 6, 2020