Elon Musk’s Neuralink, a futuristic product that connects your brain to computers, might not be safe after all

Elon Musk is never short of innovative and transformational ideas. The founder of Tesla is known and famous for founding SpaceX and Tesla Motors. At first, his ideas may sound crazy but from Tesla, Hyperloop transportation, artificial intelligence and more, Elon Musk is one of the world’s most respected technology leaders.
Late last year, he came up with one of the craziest ideas you see in sci-fi movies. Musk says he will soon announce a Neuralink product that can make anyone superhuman by connecting their brains to a computer. Musk said back then that Neuralink would increase the data rate between the brain and computers and will give humans a better shot at competing with AI.
“I think we’ll have something interesting to announce in a few months … that’s better than anyone thinks is possible,” the Tesla CEO said on “Joe Rogan Experience.” “Best case scenario, we effectively merge with AI.” The Joe Rogan Experience is a free audio and video podcast hosted by American comedian, actor, sports commentator, and television host Joe Rogan.
However, in an interview with UK Express, fellow and distinguished inventor of Steven Woo said the Neuralink cutting-edge technology could come at a cost. “Even though Neuralink could have good potential, the significance of the risks is still there,” Woo added. He went on to say that, Musk’s “mind-boggling’ AI computer has ‘potential for abuse and security will become an even more critical issue.” You can read the rest of the article here
Below is the original video.