Top Biggest Startup Mistakes And How To Avoid Them [Infographic]

Back in December 2017, we wrote about: Tech startups that failed in 2017. Almost everyone knows that 90% of startups will fail a couple of years after launch. Does that mean startup founders should just give up and throw the towel? Definitely not! Perseverance is one of the traits every startup founder needs to be successful. The problem is that some startup founders continue to do the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein called that “insanity.” That being said, we can all learn from the mistakes of others. We can gain insights and wisdom from other successful entrepreneurs who had traveled the road before us so we don’t repeat the same mistakes they made.
Below is an infographic of the top 7 biggest startup mistakes and how to avoid them. We all know building products no one wants is the biggest inexperienced startup founders make. In addition to the items on the list, one other biggest mistakes most founders make is lack of research into the product or service they plan to build. Some skip research and just move from idea to implementation without the due diligence about the competitive landscape of the industry they are getting into. Overvaluing customers’ feedback and poor hiring decisions are also some of the mistakes new startup founders make. Some founders also scale too soon. Above all else, do not forget about marketing. I’ve seen a lot of great startups, with great products, but no one knows their products even exist in the marketplace. It’s not just about the innovative technology, it is about getting your products in front of your target customers. Do you have any additional items to add to the list? Please email us. We hope you find it helpful as you continue your startup journey.
This infographic is brought to you by TrueInCube. True In Cube is an ecosystem that supports start-ups to create innovative businesses. They are the leading provider of integrated services for startups in ASEAN.