Decoding the Security of Cloud-Hosted Online Casinos

Nowadays, given the advent of technology and how far it has managed to develop, online casinos are being hosted on the cloud. This is a common way for many websites to be hosted, as it can provide a variety of benefits, including those that involve security.
Security is huge when it comes to iGaming, as players will continually provide sensitive data about their identities, as well as provide financial data when making transactions. With an individual’s most important details being continually used, it is unsurprising that there have been numerous concerns about whether cloud hosting is secure.
What is cloud hosting?
When we say cloud-hosting, it can create some questions, as not everyone will understand the terminology due to a lack of technical knowledge. In simpler terms, cloud hosting is the process whereby websites rely on a network of remote servers to help them run, be efficient, and, in terms of security, store the data used securely and out of reach from hackers.
It is not just one physical server that is used, either, as there are a series of different networks being used to ensure maximum security. While this can sound like a nightmare, it is a best practice and one that is widely used.
How do online casinos stay safe and secure?
There are many security measures that can be used by an online casino that is hosted on the cloud, hence why so many operators continue to use the technology in their numbers. Players who use safe and trusted Arab online casino sites may notice many of the advantages that this method can bring, as many of them will utilize the following security measures that are available to enhance player security.
SSL encryption is among one of the most common measures used, and this is because it is one of the best. It will encrypt data that is used on a site – whether it be financial or personal information – and turn it into unreadable blocks of code. As a result, it becomes extremely difficult to read and piece together, thus enhancing the security provided. It is possible to check whether an online casino has this in use, as it will often display a padlock in the URL address bar. If it does not, it might be best to avoid it.
Cloud-hosted online casinos will also typically use tools that include firewalls and artificial intelligence that can spot certain potential harmful trends or patterns that are developing and stop them before they cause too much damage. They can block the traffic or any suspicious activity that is being experienced on the site and counter it. At the same time, these methods can block unauthorized access and stop hacking attempts from occurring.
Two-factor authentication is usually provided as another security feature, which can be hugely beneficial when using a cloud-hosted website. As players will be able to log in from wherever they choose (within laws, etc.), online casinos have had to make sure player identity is correct, and only those permitted to access their accounts do so. The use of two-factor authentication greatly enhances the security that is offered, as it will require two identity checks/verifications rather than just a password.
Final Thoughts
Security is always going to be a huge concern, given that a lot of financial and sensitive player identity data is used when playing at an online casino. However, cloud-hosting servers help to reduce the potential danger and damage that might be experienced if a site was hosted on a physical server and not spread out.
It is important to remember that genuine casinos that have been licensed have a duty to make sure the latest and best security measures are in place. If they have a valid gaming license, then it can be trusted.