Bill Gates’ Global AIDS Fund to receive $3.5 billion from taxpayer-funded $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus package

The Senate recently approved the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus package bill. The House is scheduled to hold the final vote on the bill any moment from now. However, the question many Americans are asking is: Where is the $1.9 trillion covid-19 relief bill going?
The relief package bill includes $1,400 checks for Americans making under $80,000 per year and couples earning less than $160,000 and extends unemployment benefits. Politifact-checker Jon Greenberg said, “Total spending directly on COVID-19’s health impacts ranges from $100 billion to $160 billion.” Greenberg added, “At the high end, direct COVID-19 spending represents about 8.5% of the bill’s $1.9 trillion cost.”
Of the bill’s nearly $1.9 trillion in stimulus relief spending, just $14 to $20 billion goes to vaccine distribution and vaccine-related efforts. Billions of dollars are also sent to state and local governments.
However, what’s unknown to most Americans is that the bill also funds projects that are not directly related to COVID-19. For example, the bill includes a provision to provide a $3.5 billion giveaway to billionaire Bill Gates’ Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. What’s a billion among friends! The $3.5 billion is tucked away onto page 613 of the American Rescue Plan.
The Global AIDS fund project was founded in 2002 to fight the circulation of diseases in third-world countries. While a paltry sum to a one-time world’s richest man, many of Gates’ critics may object to Gates being gifted with billions of dollars that he will nominally use for international projects.
Others may say that Gates, a man with a net worth of over $137 billion dollars, is the last person on the planet in need of a multibillion-dollar gift from the taxpayers. With the U.S. deficit getting close to $30 trillion, the money should probably be given to people and charity organizations that need it the most.
Bill Gates recently becomes the single largest owner of farmland in the United States, in a move, some have suspected represents an attack on American cattle ranching and the consumption of meat. Gates is a proponent of replacing organic meat with lab-grown meat. As we noted last month, Bill Gates called on all the rich countries to change entirely to 100% lab-grown meat to save the planet from climate change disaster.
Below are some other beneficiaries of the $1.9 COVID-19 stimulus package bill.