“I hope trump dies ASAP.” Trump’s critics celebrate on Twitter following the news that President Trump and his wife tested positive for COVID-19

Technology started as a tool to improve human lives. Over the years, however, it has become a tool used to spread hate, lies, and misinformation. Technology gives rise to what we now called “fake news.” One of the most successful social networking sites is Twitter. The microblogging site started out as a communication platform used by millions worldwide to share their opinions, update friends, family, and colleagues about news and views.
As we wrote yesterday, Twitter and the rest of other social media platforms like YouTube and Facebook, have become a cesspool for hate. Twitter now has millions of hate accounts with hate tweets receiving millions of retweets.
Early Friday morning, President Trump said in a tweet that he and his wife were both tested positive for COVID-19. A few hours following the news, Trump’s critics quickly came out to celebrate the news with many of them wishing him dead. Below are a few of their tweets.
Below are screenshots of other hateful tweets posted in the last few hours.
We are praying for the swift recovery of our great President, his wife, Melania, and all those impacted by COVID-19.