Media hostility to hydroxychloroquine fuels hysteria about supposed dangers: Misinformation may be preventing effective treatment to end coronavirus crisis, Israel’s Arutz Sheva reports

We’ve written extensively about malaria drug hydroxychloroquine since March of this year. The sudden rise in hydroxychloroquine popularity came after President Trump touted the drug as a potential “game-changer.” Hydroxychloroquine spiked by 367% from March 9 to March 19, but since then they have leveled out.
Then on July 2, a bombshell hydroxychloroquine study conducted by Henry Ford Health System found that the drug cut the death rate in half for COVID-19 patients, and without heart-related side-effects. The study found that patients treated with hydroxychloroquine at Henry Ford met specific protocol criteria as outlined by the hospital system’s Division of Infectious Diseases. The vast majority received the drug soon after admission; 82% within 24 hours and 91% within 48 hours of admission. All patients in the study were 18 or over with a median age of 64 years; 51% were men and 56% African American.
Now, Israel’s Arutz Sheva is reporting that media misinformation may be subverting effective treatment to end the coronavirus crisis. Citing analysis by Jeremy Gordon in The Duran. Arutz Sheva went on to say that:
Examining the evidence for and against the treatment regimen championed by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, MD, Gordon examines whether hydroxychloroquine works or not, if it is safe or dangerous, and whether it should be used as a treatment for the virus.
Concluding the article, Arutz Sheva said.
Gordon concludes that “the media hostile to hydroxychloroquine downplayed or cast doubt on the many successful studies and trials with hydroxychloroquine and made the most of the faulty trials as proof that the drug Trump had touted didn’t work.
“For the media it seems to have been more about scoring political points and increasing their audience ratings rather than investigative reporting which uncovers the truth. For those who are dying and their families and friends as a result of this treatment not being used because of media misinformation it is lives tragically lost, and for the rest of us it is our economies sinking, businesses failing, and unemployment, poverty and suffering rising.
“Hundreds of thousands of lives could be saved, and loss ruin, suffering and devastation to our economies and societies avoided if we simply started using this safe, cheap and readily available treatment. It is a ludicrous and tragic farce that because of the massive misinformation on behalf of corporate greed and political point scoring that we are not.”
Meanwhile, last week Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, the Jewish doctor who treated coronavirus patients with 99% success rate using hydroxychloroquine, published a new HCQ study, which has been submitted for peer review. In the study, Dr. Zelenko and two other doctors, Dr. Martin Scholz and Dr. Roland Derwand, describe the outcomes of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the outpatient setting after early treatment with zinc, low dose hydroxychloroquine, and azithromycin (the triple therapy) dependent on risk stratification. Dr. Zelenko claimed to have 99 percent success rate with his hydroxychloroquine treatment regimen.
Arutz Sheva (Channel 7), also known in English as Israel National News, is an Israeli media network identifying with Religious Zionism. It offers online news in Hebrew, English, and Russian, including 24-hour updated text news, live streaming radio, video, and free podcasts.