Future of School announces funding for remote learning through the Resilient Schools Project

Formerly known as The Foundation for Blended and Online Learning, Future of School announced today that it will help fund up to 10 schools to participate in the newly formed Resilient Schools Project (RSP)—a program to assist K-12 schools and districts nationwide with developing an ongoing response to instructional disruptions during the 2020-21 school year.
Founded in 2016, the Denver, Colorado-based Future of School is a non-profit edtech startup focused on access to quality education and dedicated to the transformation of American K-12 education from a one-size-fits-all system to one that ensures all students—our next generation of leaders—learn the critical competencies needed to be a ready workforce and to compete in a diverse and digital global economy. Its mission is to empower students through personalized learning by advancing the availability and quality of blended and online learning opportunities and outcomes.
“We have seen America’s teachers do their best through this unprecedented period of crisis schooling brought on by the pandemic. We want to give educators the knowledge and tools to implement technology-enabled teaching and learning with a planned and proven approach,” said Amy Valentine, Chief Executive Officer & Education Evangelist at Future of School. “This project is a first step in helping to address the need for our schools to effectively reach students beyond the physical classroom.”
The Resilient Schools Project will officially launch in July. Members may be individual schools (public, charter, private) or districts. The RSP will support member schools and districts in their response to disruptions in instruction caused by COVID-19. The RSP will operate a facilitated professional collaborative network; find, share, and/or create guides on key issues and best practices; offer consulting guidance; meet remotely with schools in a cohort up to twice per month; and provide support via a members-only discussion board. The project will culminate in sessions at the Digital Learning Annual Conference in Austin in June 2021.