Mystery coronavirus infection: North Carolina woman who hasn’t left her house in 3 weeks tested positive for COVID-19 after picking up package from her front porch

We’ve all been told to stay home and practice social distancing. Now, it seems that one could still get infected with the deadly virus with direct contact with anyone. Brummert is a Charlotte, North Carolina woman who followed the guidance and recommendations of public health officials, yet she still contracted the COVID-19 virus after she picked up groceries left at her doorstep at her front porch.
According to a report from local NBC News, Brummert, hasn’t left her house in more than three weeks, yet still tested positive for COVID-19 late Thursday. The lady said she was terrified after learning she was tested positive for COVID-19. “I’m absolutely terrified,” Rachel Brummert, who already has an autoimmune disorder, said. “This is the sickest I’ve ever been and it’s the most scared I’ve ever been. From what I’m hearing about ventilators, it’s scary stuff. I’m really hoping I can wait this out at home.”
Aside from the pharmacist and her husband, who grocery shops but is temporarily living in a separate room, Brummert said the only other person she came into contact with is a woman who volunteered to drop off groceries at her doorstep once. “Brummert said the woman later tested positive for COVID-19,” according to the report.
“I’ve never had anything like this before,” she said. “I’ve had the flu. This is not the flu. It’s a whole another monster.”
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