Man treated in the same ICU as UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson shares his experience

David Hunt is a 38-year old software engineer and one of the youngest in the intensive care unit survivor at St Thomas’ Hospital in Central London. Hunt was treated in the same intensive care unit as the U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson after contracting the deadly coronavirus.
“Intensive care is not a fun place to be,” David says, “You see people die… it is absolutely horrible,” he added. “I sell software for a living. I’m not a nurse or a doctor. You see people just getting wheeled out and wheeled in. I just wanted to get out of that place.”
“I thought am I alive? Am I dead? I was clearly alive but I had this fifteen inch tube down my throat and I couldn’t talk,” David told Sky News. “Boris Johnson will be in good care,” he told Sky News, “He’ll have a dedicated nurse checking his oxygen stats levels are up… and he’ll be sat there getting at much air into his lungs as possible.”
In a video below, David shares his experience with Sky News.