Hydroxychloroquine is now being used worldwide, according to a map from French Dr. Didier Raoult

As coronavirus continues to spread around the world, scientists, doctors and researchers are working around the clock to find a cure for the deadly virus. Today, renowned French Dr. Didier Raoult a new map that showed that malaria drug hydroxychloroquine is now being used worldwide even as mainstream media continues to downplayed the effectiveness of the drug. In the meantime, a global survey of over 6,000 doctors found that hydroxychloroquine is the ‘most effective therapy’ for coronavirus treatment.
Even as the mainstream media, such as NY Times and Washington Post, continue to suppress the good news about hydroxychloroquine, numerous reports have shown the drug to be highly effective against COVID-19 virus and saved many lives around the world.
In Brazil, for example, Pasternak Taschner, a microbiologist at the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, said: “Here in Brazil even good scientists are backing this, saying we should waive rigor in difficult times.” Taschner added: “We should be even more rigorous lest we give people false hope and invest [limited] time and money on unwarranted claims.”
Yesterday, results of the first 62 patient randomized clinical trial also showed that hydroxychloroquine helps coronavirus patients improve. The report was based on the results of a randomized clinical trial posted at medRxiv, an online server for medical articles, before undergoing peer review by other researchers.
Also yesterday, we covered another story of an infectious disease specialist Dr. Stephen Smith. In his interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham, Dr. Smith talked about how hydroxychloroquine has saved lives of many patients and concluded by saying: “[Hydroxychloroquine] is a game changer. I think this is the beginning of the end of the [coronavirus] pandemic.”
In a tweet, Dr. Didier Raoult said: “Use of hydroxychloroquine / chloroquine worldwide. Non-exhaustive data: do not hesitate to add a comment to this tweet!”
Utilisation de l'hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine dans le monde.
Données non-exhaustives : n'hésitez pas à compléter en commentaire de ce tweet ! pic.twitter.com/8YpWKKDZc3— Didier Raoult (@raoult_didier) April 2, 2020
As you can see from the map below, India is using hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic treatment designed and used to prevent a disease from occurring.
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