‘Hydroxychloroquine is a game changer and the beginning of the end coronavirus pandemic,’ Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Stephen Smith says

Malaria drug hydroxychloroquine continues to dominate the headlines after many success stories from doctors in the front line. This evening, a renowned infectious disease specialist Dr. Stephen Smith, said he and his team have treated over the 50 patients with hydroxychloroquine. Dr. Smith is the founder of the Smith Center for Infectious Diseases in New Jersey.
Tonight, Dr. Smith shared his findings among COVID-19 patients in an interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham. He pointed out that not a single COVID-19 patient, that has been under hydroxychloroquine regimen, has had to to be intubated. Dr. Smith said his team had 20 intubations that all occurred within two days. But more importantly, Dr. Smith said no person who received hydroxychloroquine for 5 days or more had been intubated.
“The more we see this disease, the more we understand that severe rapid COVID disease is in diabetics or prediabetics … we don’t have anyone in our group over 80 that was not diabetic or pre-diabetic that was intubated,” said the founder of the Smith Center for Infectious Diseases and Urban Health. And of the younger patients that had severe disease, he explained they had very high BMIs.
“We haven’t had anyone under 70 who didn’t have a very high BMI, or was pre or diabetic, get seriously ill,” he said. “This is amazing stuff.” When the two discussed treatment options and the use of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, Smith said they are treating everyone with it and it has had incredible results. “No person who has received five days or more or the [drug] combination has been intubated,” he said.
He added that the chance of intubation happening, based on the stat done by his son, is a ridiculously low number of about 0.000-something. “The chance of that occurring by chance…are .000-something, it’s ridiculously low no matter how you look at it,” he said.
Dr. Smith went on to say that his team’s data support the data from French study led by the famous French researcher Dr. Didier Raoult. “[Hydroxychloroquine] is a game changer. I think this is the beginning of the end of the [coronavirus] pandemic,” Dr. Smith concluded.
Dr. Stephen Smith is an infectious disease specialist in Roseland, New Jersey and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area. He has been in practice for more than 20 years.
Below is a video of his interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham.