Amazing coronavirus recovery story: 101-year-old Italian man who survived the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic and World War II, recovered from COVID-19

The deadly coronavirus has claimed at least 28,973 lives around the world. In the midst of all the bad news, there is always a piece of good news. A 101-year-old Italian man born during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic has reportedly survived a coronavirus infection as the deadly pandemic continues to ravage his country and spread around the world, according to a report from ANSA news agency.
Identified only as Mr. P., he survived the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, World War II and now at the age of 101 he recovered from COVID-19. Gloria Lisi, the vice mayor of Rimini, a city on the coast of the Adriatic Sea in the Italian north, said the man had been released from a hospital earlier this week and returned to his family. She identified him only as Mr. P.
At 101 he contracted coronavirus but recovered and returned home. To make it known is the vice mayor of Rimini, Gloria Lisi. “This morning – he writes – I was given a little news: a man from Rimini, positive at Covid-19, was discharged from the ‘Infermi’ hospital in Rimini and returned home, to his family”.
“Mr. P. from Rimini was born in 1919, in the midst of another tragic world pandemic. 101 years, the short century lived almost entirely and then this first glimpse of the new Millennium – Lisi writes – He saw everything, the Mr. P. Guerre, hunger, pain, progress, crisis and resurrections. Once over the centenary barrier, fate has put before him this new challenge, invisible and terrible at the same time. Last week he was hospitalized at the hospital in Rimini, being positive for Covid test-19. In a few days it became ‘history’ for doctors, nurses, all healthcare personnel as well. He made it. Mr. P. made it. The family brought him back to home last night. “