, a domain owned by GoDaddy and previously listed for sale for $244K, is now been used to help people find useful information by redirecting it to WHO

Coronavirus (officially known as COVID-19), which started back in Wuhan, China in December 2019, has taken the world by storm. As we reported earlier today, the virus has now claimed 2,814 lives with at least 82,585 confirmed cases. There are now more new cases occurring every day outside of China than within.
With rise in the number of death cases, many people are now going online searching for information to learn more about the virus and what they have to do to protect themselves from the virus. The ideal URL to go to is The domain name was created about years ago (registered on August 12, 2002) and owned by NameFind, a subsidiary of GoDaddy, according to screenshot from
At one point, the domain was listed for sale on GoDaddy website for $244, 400. However, in the last day or two, the domain name began forwarding to coronavirus informational page within the World Health Organization’s (WHO) website. Hats off to DomainInvesting for first noticing the changes and reported about it. Kudos also to GoDaddy for using this digital asset to help people find useful and authoritative information about the virus instead of just profiting from it.