Untrue.News is a New Search Engine to Find and Fight Fake News Online

Fake news websites, commonly known as hoax news websites, are Internet websites that deliberately publish fake news—hoaxes, propaganda, and disinformation purporting to be real news. The sites often using social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to drive web traffic and amplify their effect. Unlike news satire, fake news websites deliberately seek to be perceived as legitimate and taken at face value, often for financial or political gain.
Now, organizations are now fighting back with technology. Unlike search engines like Google that makes it difficult to find fake news, Untrue.News is a unique search engine designed exclusively for retrieving Fake Stories and their Authors, filling a gap left by Multipurpose tools.
Remember Greta Thunberg? Many fake stories were written about her. The news quickly spread out in Austria, Brazil and around the world. Untrue News solves this problem by combining fake stories in different languages around the same subject or person, providing unique results on the user’s language.
More importantly, Untrue.News also provides a platform for the academics. The platform acts as an academic umbrella for many people interested in exploring different subjects. For example, User Experience (UX), Big Data Analytics, Open Data, Machine Learning, and Language Technologies. Additionally, the source code is available on the internet as an Open Source project, for fostering collaboration and the development of new tools for fighting disinformation.
Untrue News distinguishes itself from other search engines by not profiling users: it shows everyone the same search results! User’s privacy is a very important to us, and Untrue News makes sure that searchers’ privacy is protected, while it also avoids the filter bubble of personalized search results.