You Can Now Uniquely Represent Your Online Identity and New Ideas with .id Internet Domain Name

Internet Domain Names are unique since no two parties can have the same domain name simultaneously. For an online business, Domain Names are more than brands, they are digital business cards.
Domain Name extensions have increased dramatically, and companies need to choose the right one. Then, they should protect it by registering their brand name on the Internet.
.id domain names are managed by Indonesian Internet Domain Name Registry (PANDI), an Indonesian Top-Level Domain Name Registry (.ID). PANDI is a nonprofit organization formed on December 29, 2006 by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia along with Indonesian internet community. PANDI is formed to manage the domain name .ID professionally, accountably and transparently in accordance with the regulations of the Republic of Indonesia.
“Creating a digital identity with a .id domain name is the first step to promote your brand’s trustworthiness online,” according Yudho Giri Sucahyo, as the President of PANDI .id Registry.
.id Domain Names have implemented the infrastructure for the protection of personal data, especially those that refer to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Thus, users of Domain Names will feel relieved with their personal data being safe with PANDI. Additionally, we have already suspended domain names that exploited our services for malicious purposes such as spam, phishing, malware, pornography, child abuse, online gambling, etc.
“96% of users of .id Domain Name are from Indonesia and 4% of them are from overseas, spread across several countries such as Singapore, Australia, Japan, Germany and the United States. This shows that outside of Indonesia, the .id Domain Name has room for growth.” Yudho said.
The advantage of .id Domain Names is that they represent pride in your Identity and belief for new Ideas with many unique domain names still available. Register your brand Domain Names with limited, unique and easy to remember with .id Domain Name.