Fintech startup EnergyFunders opens the door to directly investing in competitive U.S. shale plays

EnergyFunders, the first platform to provide crowdfunded upstream oil and gas projects to accredited investors, announced today is officially joining the ranks of large, publicly traded oil and gas operators who operate in advanced shale plays like the Permian and Bakken.
Founded in 2013 by Philip Racusin, Roger Gingell, Michael Racusin, and Casey Minshew, the Houston, Texas-based EnergyFunders provides access to direct oil and gas investments via its online platform. Its mission is to give transparent access to drilling investments traditionally reserved for the wealthy or industry insiders. The startup works with proven oil and gas operators and oil and gas finders, thoroughly review each potential project and select only the best opportunities to present to investors. The startup initially provided accredited investors with access to upstream oil and gas projects from independent operators and producers.
“EnergyFunders will be the very first online funding platform to finance the development of a shale play through public retail financing,” said Reed Stiles, Vice President of Upstream for EnergyFunders. “Typically, shale play projects could only be accessed by investors who were already very well connected in this space. Even the wealthiest investors would need specific industry connections to get a seat at the table. We’re proud to reach this milestone.”
Casey Minshew, CEO of EnergyFunders added, “We are excited at the tremendous growth we have achieved in the last couple of years. The development of these shale plays has driven America’s energy independence and we thought it was time to provide potential investors with unprecedented access to these projects. Instead of buying public oil and gas companies’ stocks, investors can invest directly in wells, where oil and gas operators invest alongside them. EnergyFunders owns a share in the well, just like our investors, so we’re focused on presenting top-tier opportunities for investors.”
With the growth of the EnergyFunders platform and new access to unrivaled opportunities, EnergyFunders announces its strategic partnership with the financial platform Rocket Dollar. This allows Rocket Dollar members and new investors with EnergyFunders to roll over a 401(k) or IRA to invest in oil and gas. Rocket Dollar allows individuals to establish a self-directed 401(k) or IRA for alternative investments in assets such as oil and gas.
All the information reviewed about potential investments is presented on its platform to its users in a transparent, data-driven platform. Earnings are only made when the investor gets paid from the oil and gas production, not before.