Blockchain-powered location network startup XYO Network partners with Run2Play and A-B Engineering to improve hardware solutions and location-based fitness platform

We wrote about XYO Network in late October when the blockchain and location-verification startup launched the public beta of its app for Android. XYO Network (‘XYO’) is a new blockchain startup developing the world’s first people-powered cryptographic location network built on blockchain technology. Its mission is to bring blockchain to the real world by leveraging its technology to power the world of tomorrow. The startup has built over 1 million location verifying beacons already built, with hundreds of thousands ready to be enabled down the road.
Today, XYO announced it’s joining forces with Run2Play, a startup that brings gaming fitness and bringing our users a whole new way to exercise while earning real money rewards on Blockchain, and A-B Engineering, an artisan machinery for cryptocurrency enthusiasts, to drive improved hardware solutions and improve location-based features of fitness platform.
Run2Play is gaming fitness by building the FITchain, a Graphene protocol based blockchain that records a user’s activity for life, locked behind a personal key they can only access. Our Platform uses RUNcoin, and proof-of-FITness, to reward users for their fitness activity, bringing the power back to the people when it comes to their data. We’ve created a user-friendly interface allowing fitness activity to be converted into an easy-to-use currency both within apps and the real world. Run2Play combines fitness, charity and gaming by letting runners easily raise money for nonprofits, essentially earning cryptocurrency for a charity during the runner’s training period, or simply when they are jogging around the neighborhood. Run2Play believes that with the democratization of currency through exercise, we could obtain a future where being fit could mean being fed.
“Run2Play puts fitness and charity on the blockchain, giving users the chance to earn money each time they hit the pavement via our app,” commented Run2Play founder Joseph Anthony. “XYO delivers precise location data that helps verify each runner’s journey, so charities can ultimately benefit from the earnings.”
“At XYO, we believe leveraging everyday fitness for charity via the blockchain is not just brilliant but noble,” noted XYO Network co-founder Scott Scheper. “This could be the way that many or even all nonprofits raise money in the future.”
A-B Engineering creates custom hardware for the cryptocurrency space. It’s one of the top recognized companies in mining rigs development. Working closely with the XYO Network development and engineering teams, A-B company founders Aaron Malone and Andrew Brown have developed artisan “Mining Rigs” and “Archivist” systems for cryptocurrency enthusiasts.
“It’s our goal to create beautiful, quiet high-powered mining rigs and optimally configured Archivists replete with enterprise-grade storage and speed,” said A-B co-founder Aaron Malone, affectionately known in the crypto community as PizzaMind. “We enjoy working where crypto meets aesthetics and fashion, to build unique and highly-functional technology solutions.”
“The team at A-B is equal parts consultants, technologists and artists. They work to understand clients’ goals then develop one-of-a-kind solutions that are top-quality machines, and that are also sure to draw attention for their aesthetic value,” stated XYO Network CEO and co-founder Arie Trouw. “XYO is thrilled to partner with both A-B Engineering and Run2Play, and look forward to building out both relationships further.” The recent Spatial Summit by XYO Network brought more than 700 global participants together in San Diego.
XYO Network was founded in 2015 by Arie Trouw, Markus Levin, and Scott Scheper. XYO Network is an effort to create a vast, geospatial, blockchain-powered location network currently under development with the goal to provide accurate, certainty-driven location data on everything from cars to smartphones. By combining location beacons with IoT and mobile devices, the XYO Network ecosystem plans to deliver the verified coordinates and data needed to execute smart contracts, run smart cities, foster financial transactions, and power a legion of location-centric applications.