The US Could Save 15 Million Trees a Year by Switching to the Bidet. Slim Zero Makes it Simple.

It’s still a mystery as to why the bidet is still missing from many American households — something that is widespread in Europe and exists in over 90% of homes in Italy, Spain and Portugal. The bidet is known to be more sanitary, yet we still choose to use our hands and keep our bums dirty with paper.
Americans use over 36 billion rolls of toilet paper every year. That’s a whole lot of money and something that is making a hugely negative impact on the environment. That much toilet paper equals 100 billion gallons of water, 250 tons of chlorine 17 terrawatts of electricity, and roughly 15 million trees. Let me repeat that: 15 million trees.
Whether it’s simply the price or inconvenience of having to install a bidet, American’s have yet to really take to the idea. That’s why companies like BioBidet are making it easy to add the feature to your household.
BioBidet recently launched a campaign on Indiegogo for their new non-electric and easy-install toilet seat, Slim Zero. It is the first of its kind to feature a two-stage night light, bidet functionality, and slow closing lid. Other features include adjustable water pressure, dual nozzle spray options for females, and a chrome-plated pressure control lever.
Since Slim Zero is non-electric, you can update your bathroom without needing to call a plumber or electrician. There are no wires, no plumbing, and it only takes a few minutes to install. Plus, it’s affordable and you’re likely to see the huge difference in savings when you stop buying all that TP.
Slim Zero is currently available for pre-sale for $59. Get yours here.