Meet Cinego, a startup reinventing cinema with personal immersive 4K cinema

Cinema has evolved over the years with technology innovations and fallen prices of flat screen TVs. With proliferation of online video streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, some people do not see the need to go to cinemas. Movie goers now prefer to watch movies in the comfort of their home instead of going to cinemas or movie theaters. Imagine watching all your favorite movies in a cinema system you can hold in your hand?
Cinego is a new startup that is trying to enrich your cinema watching experience with immersive 4K cinema. Goovis Cinego is the most advanced and immersive 4K cinema headset on the market. Lightweight headset with heavyweight features. Get immersive theatre-quality entertainment anywhere. The Goovis Cinego is a 4K headset which can replace any home theatre, TV, or smartphone for video viewing with an easy to setup, easy to use, and easily portable integrated headset. The immersive personal 4K cinema is housed in the lightest integrated headset ever built. Designed with twin micro M-OLED screens, an intuitive Android OS with Wi-Fi & HDMI capability for seamless connectivity across all your devices. With a 4.5 hour battery life, Cinego is the most engaging way to enjoy your favorite content.
The Cinego puts you in your own personal theater and displays a clear, precise, and sharp picture in 4K. You can stream YouTube, Netflix, and any movies you’ve saved to its internal memory or connect any gaming system and immerse yourself in everything from your PS4 to your Nintendo Switch. Relax in total privacy provided by your own personal theater. Just plug your headphones in, turn on Goovis Cinego and transform any room or seat in your home into an immersive and private theater filled with your favorite content.
Goovis Cinego uses twin M-OLED 1920 x 1080 displays measuring 0.7 inches with a PPI of 3147. This means the Cinego has 7x the pixel density of larger M-OLED devices such as the iPhone X to provide you a clearer, smoother and more detailed picture quality.
Goovis Cinego uses twin M-OLED 1920 x 1080 displays measuring 0.7 inches with a PPI of 3147. This means the Cinego has 7x the pixel density of larger M-OLED devices such as the iPhone X to provide you a clearer, smoother and more detailed picture quality. With Cinego, you can connect to any device.
Cinego’s crowdfunding campaign is still ongoing. The startup has raised $314,839 USD from 1068 backers. This 1574% of $20,000 flexible goal. You can learn more about Cinego by visiting their IndieGogo page.