These companies are looking for startups to solve their problems

The number one critical success factor for any startup is to meet a need or identify a problem or pain point and try to provide a solution to alleviate the pain point. Most startups fail to understand this basic principle. Some startups subscribe to “if we build it, they will come” idea. So, if you are a startup looking for problems to solve, then look no further. Today, we are going introduce you to 5 companies taking unconventional approach to startups. They have problems and pain points and looking for capable startup companies to solve them.
The five German companies: Funke Medien NRW, Innogy, Opengrid Europe, thyssenkrupp and Schacht One (Haniel) present their problems and are looking for solutions. Every technology startup company will have the short to compete in the challenge and present their solution to one of the problems in the pitch competition. These five companies do not really care about the business models of the startups. They only care about their ability to solve the challenges they are facing. There are a total of 19 challenges. The deadline for startups to submit their applications is January 22, 2018.
You can submit your application by visiting and click on “Learn More” to apply to any of the challenges. Below are some of the challenges.