Project100 is a startup that is helping women running for office

Project100 is a startup started by technology developers, brand executives, business executives, writers, lawyers, not-for-profit executives, political strategists and more. Project 100 is a new organization facilitating support for progressive women running for Congress. Their mission is to build a movement to diversify Congress. Their initial goal is 100 progressive women serving in Congress by 2020, the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote.
The new platform is built by ex Google employee and founding members of the Obama White House U.S. Digital Service. Their platform provides everyday activists the tools they need to find and support the strongest candidates running so that women who deserve to lead can gain the backing they need to win. “We developed an organization purpose-built to support the new wave of exciting women running around the country so women can actually win,” co-founder and executive director, Danielle Gram said.
Project 100 is built to bridge the big gap between women deciding to run—as so many women did after the 2016 presidential election—and making sure they have the funds, institutional support, and volunteer base to win. After graduating from Harvard College in 2011, Danielle is also a co-founded KidsForPeace, a non-profit organization with mission to create peace through youth leadership, community service, global friendships, and thoughtful acts of kindness.