How to best promote your crypto project

Often, the process of creating and publishing a new crypto project can feel like the hardest part.
While there are definitely challenges when coming up with a new crypto that has real usability, this is, unfortunately, only one piece of the puzzle. Once you’ve published your project, you now need to begin the process of bringing attention to the crypto.
From generating hype to starting your very own community, the entire PR and marketing process after publishing is often the most taxing part. To give you a helping hand, we’ve collated the best crypto PR methods that you can use to promote your crypto project.
We’ll move through a range of different promotion strategies, signaling which are best for different crypto projects and situations. We’ll touch on the following four methods:
- Blog Content and Natural Traffic
- Press Releases
- Airdrops
- Podcasts
Let’s get right into it and explore exactly how to utilize these fantastic promotion strategies.
Blog Content and Natural Traffic
When promoting any brand, service, or platform solution, the first thing you should always do is make sure that your home website is as fantastic as possible.
From hiring a great graphic designer to working to make your space unique, the quality of your website matters a lot. Part of constructing a great website also includes having an active blog section.
A blog is more than just an opportunity to share your thoughts. Many blockchain brands that focus on launching a crypto project tend to focus on external mediums, looking at social media or PPC campaigns as the best ways of bringing attention to their project.
While these can work, they’re also costly and short-term solutions.
Committing to a blog content strategy with crypto SEO in mind will allow you to build up a natural flow of traffic to your site. Over time, as your posts rise through the Google rankings and more people in the community stumble across them, you’ll get passive traffic onto your site.
Instead of having to search for ways of promoting your crypto, people will start to come to you.
This is a long-term strategy, but one that works wonders. There’s a reason that every single one of the biggest brands in the world engages with content marketing; creating an active blog is a fantastic way of promoting anything online.
Always plan your articles with SEO in mind, being sure to cater to what your audience wants to read about and will be likely to click on.
When To Use Blog Content To Promote a Crypto Project
Blog content is a must for any company. This is especially the case when launching and promoting a crypto project. No one is going to invest in a coin they haven’t heard of. In order to make a name for yourself, you need to become a familiar brand within the crypto community.
The most precise way to build up your reputation is by offering free educational advice in the form of your articles. People will come to your site for information and will learn more about your crypto over time.
This is a win-win for you, building up the reputability of your brand and securing more investment over time.
Anyone that wants to promote their crypto project needs to be engaged in blog content marketing on a regular basis.
Press Releases
Press releases allow you to take a piece of information and broadcast it to huge new sites in your field. Within the world of cryptocurrency, there is a range of news platforms that regularly post press releases from companies in the industry.
These press releases are not created by the news website itself but rather sent to them for posting by the company.
This allows a company to frame bits of news in whatever light they’d want, getting in all the information they want to be featured.
For example, if you want to announce your cryptocurrency, you can detail the main tokenomics behind the coin, outline its functionality, and explain how it fits into the wider blockchain ecosystem.
It’s worth noting, you should first learn how to write a crypto press release to make sure you’re familiar with the structure, style, and process of creating this content format.
When used properly, press releases are a fantastic way of getting your brand featured across the internet and making it seem much more notable than perhaps it is in reality.
When Should I Use Press Releases for my Crypto Project?
Whenever you have a bit of news to announce, no matter how small, you should aim to create a press release. These don’t need to be long documents, often only covering the outline of the news itself. Beyond just sharing news, this provides your brand with an opportunity to get into the news.
As many investors within the blockchain community actively follow news developments, if they’re continually seeing your brand’s name, they’ll become passively familiar with you over time.
When you’re ready to seek larger investments or launch seed rounds, they’ll already know who you are, making it easier to bring them on board.
Everyone should regularly be using press releases to promote their crypto projects.
Airdrops are a fantastic way of promoting a crypto project, allowing you to use the connections between like-minded people to boost the visibility of your project. Normally, you’ll run a crypto airdrop via social media.
You’ll create a post that asks people to share a certain post that includes information about your cryptocurrency. In return for reposting or retweeting, they’ll earn some of your cryptocurrency.
Not only does this create a social ripple, with accounts that share your post exposing it to a whole new audience, but it also helps with the token distribution of your new crypto. If no one is buying your crypto, the price will stagnate.
By offering it as an airdrop promotion, you’ll be able to kick-start your own crypto economy.
Over time, this can lead to more people holding your crypto, giving them more of an incentive to promote and participate in your ecosystem. Airdrops are one of the best methods of promoting a crypto project and definitely one you should look into.
When To Use Airdrops
Airdrops are fantastic right at the beginning of your journey into crypto PR. They’ll help your brand to get a jump on its traffic and public perception, setting you up for success.
Even some of the biggest coins within crypto have started from an airdrop, with currencies like BNB by Binance and Uniswap’s UNI both coming from airdrops.
These aforementioned airdrops helped bring 250,000 accounts on-chain, providing thousands of people with a new cryptocurrency. Alongside the huge bump in exposure, the airdrop strategy in these situations allowed the company to gain liquidity and rapidly expand.
If you’re just getting started in the world of crypto PR, then airdrops are a fantastic place to start.
Finally, we come to external efforts to connect to the blockchain community. Appearing on podcasts is another way to put you in front of an audience that is already engaged in your field.
People might tune in every week to a certain podcast to learn more about the industry, or read through a news site for expert takes.
By posting on other sites or platforms, you instantly expose your crypto project to a whole new audience. They might not be familiar with you, but they’re active fans of the site that you’re posting on.
This can, in a way, come across as a natural recommendation, as a site they trust is featuring your content.
For companies that don’t already have a big audience or community themselves, leveraging the reach and support that other brands or sites have created is a fantastic place to begin. Just remember not to give up on PR strategies that are internal, like posting to your own blog.
All of these strategies are written to be used in tandem, not in a one-or-the-other distribution style.
Who Should Use Podcasts?
Podcasts are a great way of promoting your PR project, as they bring a level of authenticity to your brand. Simply put, if your founder can go on an expert panel and chat about blockchain for hours without messing up or stumbling, they clearly know their stuff.
People within the blockchain community will respect this, helping your project seem much more trustworthy.
If you’re only just getting started, podcasts can be a great way of expanding your reach and boosting visibility. You’ll be presented to new audiences and given the opportunity to show off just how great your crypto project is.
When done correctly, this is a 10/10 promotion method.
Final Thoughts
Across these four main methods, new crypto projects will be able to promote their services to the masses. From building up their name to increasing the public’s perception of a new cryptocurrency, these PR strategies help you to break into this community.
The world of blockchain isn’t an easy place to exist, meaning we should take any opportunity that we can get.
Devoting a large amount of your budget to content writing, creation, and distribution will allow you to cover as many bases as possible.
Over time, you’ll be thankful once the natural traffic starts pouring in.
Best of luck promoting your crypto project!