Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world and despite receiving the 4th booster shot, now has the worst covid deaths since the pandemic began 2 years ago

It’s been two years since the first cases of the coronavirus were detected in Wuhan, China. Since then, the deadly virus has spread around the world. In 2021, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first COVID-19 vaccine, which has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.
As some of you may recall, the nation of Israel became the first country to mass vaccinate its people with the mRNA vaccines and also the first to boost. As of August 13, 2021, around 64 percent of the population of Israel (over 80% of adults) received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccination.
Fast forward to today, about 95 percent of adults over 50 are vaccinated. About 85 percent have also received a booster. As of January this year, Israel became the first nation to offer a fourth booster shot.
However, what’s troubling about these numbers and stats is that covid deaths in Israel have now hit an all-time daily high even after taking the fourth booster shot. So, what’s really going on? Have vaccines failed us? The simple way to answer this question is to look at the data over two years and see how effective the vaccines have been over the years.
So, we did just data with a cursory search on Google. The stats will shock you. Searching using the simple phrase “Israel more covid deaths,” we got the shocking chart below. As you can see from the chart, despite all the vaccinations, covid deaths in Israel reached their highest level since the virus started two years ago. As of February 4, 2022, Israel recorded 78 covid deaths in one day with 73 deaths on a 7-day average.
The above chart is also backed by another report from Reuters. The news outlet also reported that there are 4,726 infections per 100K people reported last 7 days. According to the analysis of Israel covid data, Reuters wrote:
“Daily average number of coronavirus-related deaths reported in Israel reaches new high: Now reporting more than 79. Israel is reporting 61,123 new infections on average each day, 75% of the peak — the highest daily average reported on January 24. There have been 3,111,307 infections and 9,111 coronavirus-related deaths reported in the country since the pandemic began.”
That’s not all, the level of hospitalizations has also increased. As of February 4, 2022, there are 3,380 people hospitalized and 338 people in ICU.
So the question remains. Have vaccines failed us? Here is how Former New York Times Reporter Alex Bereson answer the question:
“How can anyone view this chart as evidence of anything except – at best – complete vaccine failure? And at worse evidence that the mRNA vaccines are interacting with Omicron in a way that is worsening outcomes. Spare me the talk of relative risk ratios. SPARE ME. The vast majority of the people dying in Israel are vaccinated.”