Dr. Fauci says US could begin vaccinating people before end of year; ‘COVID-19 vaccine could be available as soon as November’

Dr. Anothony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, has been criticized for many things. However, one thing no one can criticize him about is his consistency about the release date for the coronavirus vaccine.
Despite political pressure from both sides of the aisles, Dr. Fauci maintained the vaccine will be ready before the end of the year. “I would still put my money on November/December,” Dr. Fauci said back in September.
Now, according to a video recorded on Thursday but released Friday by the Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Dr. Fauci says a COVID-19 vaccine could be available as soon as next month.
“We could begin vaccinating people before the end of this calendar year,” Fauci said, noting healthcare workers and other vulnerable people at risk could receive doses as early as mid-December.
Dr. Fauci also cautioned Americans that there’s no guarantee on the timeline, but he’s cautiously optimistic that we’ll have an answer by November or December. Meanwhile, in a sign that we may not be out of the woods yet, Dr. Fauci stressed that the social distancing guidelines will remain in place into the third quarter of 2021.
To date, there are six vaccines currently being tested and five are in phase three trials.
Below is the video of the interview.