United States has 2 million coronavirus vaccine doses ‘ready to go,’ U.S. President Trump says

Over 100,000 Americans have died from the deadly coronavirus. But now there is good news. In a Friday morning press conference, President Donald Trump said the U.S. has already produced 2 million coronavirus vaccine doses that are “ready to go” once scientists figure out whether it is safe and effective.
Just last month, the U.S. government announced it has committed $1.2 billion to production of Oxford Coronavirus vaccine. The Fed said it is partnering with drugmaker AstraZeneca for at least 300 million doses of a coronavirus vaccine developed by the University of Oxford and committing up to $1.2 billion to the effort.
The United States has selected five companies as the most likely candidates to produce a vaccine for the coronavirus, according to the New York Times. He didn’t say Friday which ones have started vaccine production. NIH has also been fast-tracking work with biotech firm Moderna on a potential vaccine to prevent Covid-19.
Last month, researchers at National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Montana tested Oxford University coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine using six rhesus macaque monkeys, they found that the monkeys that got the vaccine developed protective antibodies against the coronavirus. The university also announced it has begun the phase II/III human trials. More than 10,000 people including children and older adults will participate
“Tremendous progress is being made on vaccines,” Trump said during a Friday morning press conference from the White House. “In fact, we’re ready to go in terms of transportation and logistics. We have over 2 million ready to go if it checks out for safety.”
Trump said “we’re doing incredibly well” on vaccines, adding, “I think you’re going to have some very positive surprises and therapeutics likewise we’re doing extremely well. Cures, we’re doing well.”