Apple iOS 11.1.1 software update fixes the annoying “I” to “A [?]” autocorrect bug
Posted On November 10, 2017

Apple users rejoice! Apple has now released fixes for a bug that prevented some users from typing the letter “i.” as part of the the new iOS 11.1.1 update. iPhone and iPad user can download the update by going to “settings” in their iPhone or iPad, clicking on “general” and then going to “software update.”
The release notes feature two bug fixes are listed below:
- A fix for the predictive keyboard bug where random character like “A,” “#,” or “!” followed by the unicode symbol would replace “I” when typed
- Fixes the problem where the “Hey Siri” command randomly stops working
To download the update, go to your iPhone or iPad, select Settings > General > Software Update (the preferred way, and is only about 50MB), or connect your iPhone/iPad/iPod touch to a computer running iTunes and then carry out the update (this is slower and downloads the entire operating system as opposed to just the updates, and comes in at several gigabytes).