Meet XTurismo, the world’s first flying motorbike that can fly above public roads. Now available for pre-order at $680,000

Last month, we wrote about A.L.I. Technologies after the Japanese drone startup unveiled XTurismo, the world’s first flying motorcycle that can hover that can fly above public roads. Also known as a hovercycle, the hoverbike looks more like what you’d get if you crossed a motorcycle with a quadcopter.
XTurismo can cruise at speeds of 60 miles per hour (100kph) for up to 40 minutes. XTurismo has a seat for one rider and four horizontally mounted electric propellers controlled by a pair of joysticks.
A few weeks after the launch, A.L.I. announced the hoverbike is now available for pre-order in Japan. A limited run of 200 of the flying bikes is expected to ship in early 2022. Made for ultra-wealthy consumers, XTurismo is priced at just 77.7 million yen ($680,000). The hoverbike is equipped with a conventional engine and four battery-powered motors and promises to fly for 40 minutes at up to 100 kph (62 mph).
“Until now the choice has been to move on the ground or at scale in the sky. We hope to offer a new method of movement,” Chief Executive Daisuke Katano told Reuters. The black and red hoverbike consists of a motorcycle-like body on top of propellers. The machine rests on landing skids when stationary.
The company also demonstrated the hoverbike with a short flight a few meters off the ground at a race track near Mount Fuji. The demonstration flight was witnessed by a crowd of guests and members of the press.
‘We would like to propose a new lifestyle with this floating vehicle,’ A.L.I. Technologies CEO Daisuke Katano said at the event at the Fuji Speedway Racing Course, Nikkei Asia reported. Powered by an internal combustion engine, the Xturismo is kept aloft by two primary propellers, which are situated where the wheels would be on a conventional motorcycle.
Below is a video of the demonstration of XTurismo with a short flight a few meters off the ground at a race track near Mount Fuji.
Below is another video.