Anomalous health incidents reported across the DoD and CIA employees spread across at least 6 countries

Is the American military under silent attack? Just when you think the coronavirus is the only thing to worry about. CBS News just broke the news about Anomalous Health Incidents (AHI) reported across the DoD, CIA, State Department, and other federal agencies. The health incidents have reportedly spread across at least six countries, often near active Russian operations.
In a memo to all DoD employees, Defense Secretary Austin said:
“Over the course of the last several years, and predominantly overseas, some DoD personnel have reported a series of sudden and troubling sensory events such as sounds, pressure, or heat concurrently or immediately preceding the sudden onset of symptoms such as headaches, pain, nausea, or disequilibrium (unsteadiness or vertigo). As part of a government-wide effort, the Department is committed to finding the cause and the source of these AHi and ensuring that affected individuals receive appropriate medical care as quickly as possible when needed.”
Austin said the department will investigate the AHI reports in the same manner as other health and readiness concerns. He also asked that other affected persons, such as dependents to report suspected incidents.”
In a tweet, Catherine Herridge, CBSNews Senior Investigative Correspondent, said:
“#havanasyndrome NEW: Sec Austin memo requests immediate reporting “Anomalous Health Incidents.” In June
@CBSNews I-unit reported suspected cases went beyond CIA, State + spread across at least 6 countries + among DoD employees, often near active Russian operations. @ellee_watson.”
#havanasyndrome NEW: Sec Austin memo requests immediate reporting “Anomalous Health Incidents.” In June @CBSNews I-unit reported suspected cases went beyond CIA, State + spread across at least 6 countries + among DoD employees, often near active Russian operations.@ellee_watson
— Catherine Herridge (@C__Herridge) September 16, 2021
Below is the memo Defense Secretary Austin sent to all the DoD employees.