At least 150 fully vaccinated Americans have died of Covid: Why are fully vaccinated people dying from the virus even after getting the vaccine?

For several months now, U.S. health officials have been saying that the covid-19 vaccine will prevent people from dying of the deadly virus. On its website, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also said that “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective at preventing COVID-19 disease, especially severe illness and death.”
Now, it turns out that vaccines do not fully prevent fully-vaccinated people from dying as we learned from a May report from AP which found that “about 150 of the more than 18,000 COVID-19 deaths in May were in fully vaccinated people. That translates to about 0.8%, or five deaths per day on average.” That was about two months ago. AP recently updated its story and the number of vaccinated who have died has gone up by 0.3 to 1.1% .
Even though most of the COVID-19 deaths in the US are now among unvaccinated, AP analysis of new data also suggests that about 1% of U.S. deaths from COVID-19 in May were in people who were fully vaccinated.
Just today, a New Orleans business owner recently died from COVID-19. Her family says she was vaccinated. ‘We are going to miss her’: NOLA business owner dies from COVID-19, family says she was vaccinated, according to a report from local NBC News in New Orleans.
Mosley, 33, and fully vaccinated, died Sunday following a COVID-19 diagnosis.
“She said ‘I know I do not have COVID. I still can smell and taste. And I am vaccinated.’ But when she got to the hospital, turns out she had it,” Tara Mosley, Angelle’s mom told WSDU.
Mosley said Angelle texted her last Thursday saying she did not feel well. She went to the hospital where she was later diagnosed, and eventually released. By the weekend she was back in the hospital.
“Her neighbor brought her at 2 or 3 in the morning. She said, ‘They will keep me because I have pneumonia and a high fever,'” Tara Mosley said.
On Sunday, Mosley received a call from a doctor. Angelle passed later that day. “He said her heart rate was dropping. It was that moment I knew,” Mosley said.
The U.S. is not alone. The situation is even worse in Great Britain. June data from Public Health England shows that more vaccinated people died of the Delta variant in the UK than the unvaccinated (death rate is 8.45 times higher for the vaccinated).
During the same period, a total of 50 out of 7,235 reported cases (0.69%) of vaccinated died from the Delta variant cases while a lower number, 44 out of 53,822 cases (0.08%) of unvaccinated, died from the Delta variant.
The report also shows a higher rate of Overnight Hospitalization for “fully vaccinated” with a rate of 1.11% and 0.89% for the “Unvaccinated.” Below is a summary of the findings from the report.
So, why are fully vaccinated people still dying from Covid-19 even after the CDC said the “vaccine will prevent COVID-19 disease, especially severe illness and death?” At this point, there is no concrete data from the CDC or other health agencies to help us answer this question. The deaths could be a result of many things including patients’ age, underlying health conditions, and vaccine efficacy rate since the vaccines are not 100% effective.
Updates: AP recently updated its story saying that the number of vaccinated has gone up from 0.8% in May to 1.1%, and not 0.1%.”
“This story was first published on June 24, 2021. It was updated on June 29, 2021, to correct the number of hospital admissions to more than 107,000, not 853,000, and the percentage of hospitalized people who been vaccinated to 1.1%, not 0.1%.” AP said.