Tech stack of popular tech companies [infographic]

Have you ever wondered about the tech stack or the underlying technologies and tools behind popular tech companies? In this infographic, we would show the technologies used by 5 popular tech companies.
A tech stack is defined as the set of technologies an organization uses to build its web or mobile application. It is a combination of programming languages, frameworks, libraries, patterns, servers, UI/UX solutions, software, and tools used by its developers.
The team at SimForm has developed an infographic of the top technologies used by five popular tech companies. Included on the list are Netflix, Airbnb, Uber, Snapchat, and Pinterest. These five tech companies all have one thing in common: They’re the best brands in their niche because their technology stack is what propels them to be at the top of their industries. It is very important to choose the right tech stack for any company to build a disruptive digital solution.
Popular technologies used by these companies include Programming Languages such as Phyton, Javascript, Java, Swift, and Kotlin. Databases include MySQL, Redis, PostgreSQL, and Cassandra.