Two most IMPORTANT things you can do to protect yourself from coronavirus: Keep your hands CLEAN and DON’T touch your face, NYC doctor says

Coronavirus pandemic has now spread to at least 150 countries around the world. The deadly virus continues to claim lives every hour if not minute. Everyone is taking necessary steps to protect themselves from the deadly virus. However, there are two most important things you can do to protect yourself from getting the virus, according to Dr. David Price from Cornell Medical Center in New York city, who works in the front line helping coronavirus patients.
Dr. Price explained that the way you get the virus is almost exclusively from your hands to your face. Dr. Price said if you wash your hands and you don’t touch your face, there is a 99 percent chance that you will NOT get the disease. He also advised against having sustained contact with people. Dr. Price went on to say that people become immune to the coronavirus disease after recovering from the virus.
Dr. David Price is a critical care pulmonologist caring for COVID-19 patients all day in NYC at Weill Cornell Hospital. He has a lot of great information to share. In the last portion he answers some fantastic questions. It’s almost an hour and a cuts out a bit, so be patient and learn from this hero on the front-lines.
Below is a one-hour video of questions and answers with Dr. Price.