Disturbing video of coronavirus compared to other virus outbreaks, spread faster than SARS

Coronavirus, was first reported in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, continues to claim people’s lives. As of today, February 25, 2020, there have been 2,704 confirmed deaths and more than 80,200 confirmed cases in the coronavirus pneumonia outbreak. The Wuhan strain has been identified as a new strain of Betacoronavirus from group 2B with an ~70% genetic similarity to the SARS-CoV. The virus has a 96% similarity to a bat coronavirus, so an origin in bats is widely suspected.
Unlike SARS virus which spread within hospitals, Coronavirus has spread faster than SARS did when it was first discovered and the rapid infection rate has officials worried.
To give you a perspective of how dangerous and disturbing coronavirus is, below is a video rendition of corovirus compared to past virus outbreaks. Coronavirus has spread faster than SARS did when it was first discovered and the rapid infection rate has officials worried.
“The difference between coronavirus and SARS is that SARS was not that infectious, it was transmitted mostly within hospitals,” Professor John McBride, of James Cook University said.
It’s not all bad news. The World Health Organisation said most cases coronavirus reported to date “have been milder, with around 20 per cent of those infected experiencing severe illness”. The SARS virus killed about 10 per cent of people who caught it, much higher than the estimated 2 per cent death rate from coronavirus, although this figure is still very preliminary.