Did Facebook share your data? How to check if Cambridge Analytica accessed your Facebook data

Are you worried your Facebook data was accessed by the third party company, Cambridge Analytica? If so, there is now a tool to check if you are impacted. Facebook just rolled out a new tool to check if your data was accessed by Cambridge Analytica. The tool is now live. Last week, Facebook revealed that up to 87 million of its users had their data improperly accessed.
According to Facebook, some Facebook users will start seeing one of two messages at the top of their News Feed — both using the header Protecting Your Information, starting 12 PM EST on Monday. One message will focus on Cambridge Analytica, while the other focuses on general Facebook privacy, data, and app control.
To check if your data had been accessed or shared by Facebook, go to this https://www.facebook.com/help/1873665312923476?helpref=search&sr=1&query=cambridge and follow the instructions. Below is a screenshot of the page.