About XYZ Reality

XYZ Reality is the UK start-up behind HoloSite, the world’s first Engineering Grade Augmented Reality device. On a mission to eliminate 2D in its entirety and bring an industry in decline back to life, XYZ Reality is enabling construction workers around the world to build from holograms and it’s making a huge dent on the 77% of mega-projects that overrun globally.

Target Market

Augmented Reality

Product and Services

XYZ Reality is the UK start-up behind HoloSite, the world’s first Engineering Grade Augmented Reality device. On a mission to eliminate 2D in its entirety and bring an industry in decline back to life, XYZ Reality is enabling construction workers around the world to build from holograms and it’s making a huge dent on the 77% of mega-projects that overrun globally.


Leadership Team



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