About SafeScore

SafeScore is a Business to Business (B2B), patent-pending product, initiated in May 2020 after market research highlighted key traveller pain points which were preventing people from flying. Our aim is to bring travellers back into the skies in a safe and responsible way. To this end, we provide travel service providers and independent travellers with our tailored and detailed safety reports, boosting travel confidence through clearly communicated data. SafeScore communicates the efforts that airlines and airports are making to ensure a secure travelling experience for passengers at all touchpoints on routes between 150 countries. Users can compare airlines and airports and check routes for safety measures that comply with the latest IATA, ICAO and WTTC guidelines. Our database of airline and airport safety measures is the largest of its kind in the world. Operating jointly out of Co. Kerry, Ireland and Cape Town, South Africa, SafeScore has expanded its database in order to keep passengers abreast of the latest border changes and travel advisory notes. Our newly added probability factor which informs passengers of the likelihood of coming into contact with an infected person(s) is based on national COVID-19 active case numbers which is a live feature on our site and sourced from Johns Hopkins University.

Target Market

Air Transportation

Product and Services

SafeScore is a Business to Business (B2B), patent-pending product, initiated in May 2020 after market research highlighted key traveller pain points which were preventing people from flying. Our aim is to bring travellers back into the skies in a safe and responsible way. To this end, we provide travel service providers and independent travellers with our tailored and detailed safety reports, boosting travel confidence through clearly communicated data. SafeScore communicates the efforts that airlines and airports are making to ensure a secure travelling experience for passengers at all touchpoints on routes between 150 countries. Users can compare airlines and airports and check routes for safety measures that comply with the latest IATA, ICAO and WTTC guidelines. Our database of airline and airport safety measures is the largest of its kind in the world. Operating jointly out of Co. Kerry, Ireland and Cape Town, South Africa, SafeScore has expanded its database in order to keep passengers abreast of the latest border changes and travel advisory notes. Our newly added probability factor which informs passengers of the likelihood of coming into contact with an infected person(s) is based on national COVID-19 active case numbers which is a live feature on our site and sourced from Johns Hopkins University.


Leadership Team



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